On My Way
I am on my way to the management office to deal with our eviction sitchey-ashun. I'm not sure if it's foreshadowing or just incessant spam, but I got an email with the subjectline of "Good luck on your apartment search this weekend". We'll see. I'll be back. Homeless or vindicated, I'll be back!
At 8:17 AM, Super Happy Girl said…
CYM: check this out ::doing the first post dance::
I am on my way to the management office to deal with our eviction YAY! take that!, sticking it to the man! I'm glad you are still there, best of luck!
At 8:43 AM, Millie said…
I hope you slap that man upside his head if he evicts you. Although... that might not be the best way of handling the situation, as it could get you arrested.
Maybe you should just think hard about slapping him upside his head and then not do it.
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